“Hi Tim, So far we are enjoying the machine. It is reducing man hours required and keeping my employees out of the pressure washing in the cold business!
“Tim, We run about 8 cycles of 2 x 10 min. each day, and fit about 15 - 45 holds depending on size and not counting the little foot jibs. That’s about 250-300 holds a day, and we simply use fresh water each day.
I am happy to report that the holds washer has been up and running nicely. It has totally changed our route setting program and the setters and members are thrilled.
— Philip Grimm, Owner & President - Climb Kalamazoo
“Hello Tim,
Thank you, I hope you and yours are also well in these crazy times! I am hopeful my industry weathers the storm and you are able to sell a bunch of machines. That being said, I have done well over 50 wash loads of holds since receiving the machine with many of those being in the last few weeks, and I still have half a gym to strip and clean. I attached some before and after pictures of the most recent holds I washed this past week. It was an entire set of holds for the Moon board along with a bunch of others and a few volumes. The Moon holds were up for two months of climbing and were very dirty. As you can see from the photos, I am loading the machine with over 100 holds per cycle. I am washing in a single layer and stacking/leaning the holds with the dirtiest side facing up and they are coming out great. I was using both baskets for awhile but not quite getting the results I wanted, the holds were clean, but dried out with a thin chalky coating or just kind of missed here and there with some needing a scrub or a re-run. Now that I have ditched the second basket I can run the holds through one cycle, 12 - 14 minutes at 140 degrees, and they are good to go. The holds start to dry immediately upon opening the machine, and can be removed after a few minutes, I can wash over 500 holds in a little over an hour. It is a pleasure to wash holds now, I can push the start button and go back to route setting, or striping or sorting bolts or anything other than wielding the power washer after an acid dip and a baking soda dip outside, it is truly a game changer, one of the best decisions I made when deciding to re-open my Gym, and even more beneficial in todays new world.